Here are all of the recommendations we shared with our newsletter in Quarter 3 of 2023. To receive all of our recommendations and other insights, make sure you've signed up for our newsletter. You can subscribe right here on our website.
What is Adaptive Leadership?

An article that discusses Adaptive Leadership by Western Governors University.
5 Principles to Guide Adaptive Leadership

Adaptive leadership, which is defined as the ability to anticipate future needs, articulate those needs to build collective support and understanding, adapt your responses based on continuous learning, and demonstrate accountability through transparency in your decision-making process. To tap into successful adaptive leadership, follow five common principles to guide your response and shape long-term recovery plans.
Two quizzes to support you in increasing your Emotional Intelligence by establishing where you currently are.
The Teaching Well

The Teaching Well is a non-profit wellness organization founded on Ohlone land in Oakland, CA. As a majority BIPOC, identity-forward team, they believe we can no longer bypass the educator to get to the student. TTW team is composed of teachers, school/district leaders, and healers building the supports for educators so they can stay healthy, connected, and, ultimately, in roles that bring about liberatory change for their communities.
Cards for Mindfulness

Packed with inspiration and practical exercises, Cards for Mindfulness is a set of cards which bring awareness, calm and kindness to wherever you are. Each set comes with 48 cards which have an inspiring phrase or idea on one side and a more detailed exercise related to that phrase on the other. You can use them as a reminder to be present, placing them around your home or office. You can use them as in inspiration, choosing one a day or one a week as an exercise or intention. You can use them as the basis of your whole mindfulness practice.
Article on How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Today’s in-demand skills are increasingly technical in nature. However, there’s a corresponding need for the uniquely human ability to work with and through others to accomplish important goals. Enter emotional intelligence (EI), a set of skills that help us recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others.
This article by the Professional Development Division of Harvard's Division of Continuing Education, How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence, offers an overview of the importance of Emotional Intelligence.
The Be Liberation Playlist

During your next work block or team time, check out our Be Liberation Spotify Playlist.